“Matthew Jacobs Morgan (The Rig) – named as a rising star by Deadline last year – created the show, working alongside German multi-disciplinary artist and screenwriter Sophie-Yukiko Hasters”

Deadline, 20th of April, 2022

“Musician SALOMEA, performance artist Sophie-Yukiko, directress Svenja Trierscheid, and fashion & jewelry designer Luise Zücker open up about everything from the personal to the political, questioning the very idea of community and creativity in today’s world”

C-heads Magazine, 21st of November, 2021

“As a central figure of the QTPOC (queer and trans people of colour) community in Berlin, on the series Sophie-Yukiko Hasters brings her experience of German Ballroom Culture”

Variety, April 20th, 2022

"Tracks" blickt zurück auf die lange Geschichte der kulturellen Aneignung im Pop.

Arte, 25th of February, 2021


“…und auch als Künstlerin arbeitet sie daran, den Stimmen queerer, nicht weißer Menschen Gehör
zu verschaffen.”

Focus, 12th of December, 2020

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“Ein House ist quasi eine Familie, die man sich aussuchen kann.”

Arte, 25th of November, 2020

“Die Choreografin Sophie-Yukiko Saint Laurent hat die queere Subkultur des Vogueing ins Berliner Bode-Museum gebracht.”

Monopol Magazine, 21st of November, 2019

“Vogueing in Deutschland: So

prägt Sophie Yukiko die Ballroom-Szene.”

Vogue, 18th of October, 2019

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“Community is what speaks hope into one another, it’s what educates one another, provides information, prayer even.”

Title Magazine, 18th of October, 2018

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Together We Are is a video and photo project focusing on inspirational women working in the creative industries, with an emphasis on the success and struggles they have experienced in their careers to date.”

Schön! Magazine, 31st of July, 2020

“Ich glaube das Ballroom der einzige Space ist, den ich kenne, wo du echte Diversität siehst.”

Zeit Online, 2nd of December, 2019

“Ich will mich in dieser Welt nie leiser machen.”

Vice - i-D Magazine, 2019

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“#43 Wie Ballroom Culture & Voguing die Popkultur prägen - mit Sophie Yukiko.”

Apple Podcasts, 2019

“So frei wie hier drinnen und wie bei anderen Voguing-Balls, ist es aber auch da draußen auf den Straßen Berlins nicht.”

FAZ, 25th of July 2019

“Wir sprechen auch über Aktivismus, Pose, kulturelle Aneignung und die größten Missverständnisse, die der Mainstream mit Ballroom verbindet.”

Spotify Podcasts, 28th of January, 2020

“It’s about telling a story through your movements,” Sophie explains. She shows us a sequence of exaggerated taps on different body parts, designed to tell us her story, her journey.”

Urban Sports Club, 21st of February, 2019